Herbal medicine
Tea, a ceremony to open the gates to the ecstatic...
How can we create relationships with ourselves and others to manifest the gift of the ecstatic. My desire is to celebrate the innate joy of such occasions by educating and providing the gift of tea with others.
I ching.. poetry and divination.
Do you have questions that are taking you away from the present moment? The art of asking the book of changes or the Iching is an ancient form of knowing and growing awareness in ones life. Becoming aware of ones relationship to the elements overcoming obstacles in the mind can support the process of being in tune with the inner child in the present moment. This is a wonderful way to support ones journey in the ecstatic path.
Tea Ceremony with Charles
Would you like a share a tea ceremony with Charles, If you are in Asheville North Carolina you can come have tea with me in my tree-house. I'm also available to do tea ceremony by zoom. We could even decide which tea we want drink, i suggest some sources below. If this is something your interested in contact me for scheduling. The tea ceremony involves sound instruments, tea and iching if requested. The sessions usually lasts 1.5 hours.